Our camps focus on building a Christian Community. ​

Children live in a cabin environment with others their age and two adult counselors. Each camper has their own bunk and storage space for their belongs. The cabins have a rustic feel, with electicity and screens on all windows and doors. If your children are accustomed to listening to noise when falling to sleep, such as music or the tv, please be aware that isn't on option at camp, however, we recommend packing a fan for white noise.

Bedtimes vary by cabin group, everyone gets at least 7 hours. The camp bedtime routine includes getting ready for bed, debriefing the highlights of your day with cabin and counselors, and a goodnight prayer. Cabins may also read a bedtime story or sing some of our favorite camp songs. Before camp, it may be helpful to get your children used to a similar bedtime routine, such as reading, praying, or journaling.

We also have a Formation (christian education) daily. The lessons are incorporated throughout the day. Formation includes some time listening and reflecting, art, and active opportunties. At the beginning of the week, we provide an instructional service so campers understand what we are doing and why we do it. Any materials needed are provided.

Worship is a very important in our community life and we offer a variety of worship opportunities. We celebrate Holy Eucharist (church service) every day using a variety of liturgical forms (informal and formal) in various locations and times. Campers plan and participate in worship services. It is our practice to offer the bread and wine to all present at the service. At the time of registration, please let the Camp Director know if you would prefer your child to receive a blessing rather than the bread and wine.
Swimming and boating are available most days. Swimming tests will occur early in the week. The swimtest consists of laps in the waterfront The licensed waterfront is run by certified lifeguards.

Arts & Crafts
There are a variety of fun arts and crafts opportunities to tap into camper creativity. Your camper will bring home some wonderful camp art treasures.

Meals & Snacks
​The dining hall is run by Living Water Ministries which is licensed by the State of Michigan. Campers are served three hearty meals each day and snacks are available. The cooks are attuned to special needs, such as a gluten allergy and other food allergies, and will do their best to accommodate those needs.
Please note all allergies, food restrictions, and other dietary needs on your child’s registration form. If your child has a food allergy, please send along a few extra snacks that meet your child's requirements. All snacks are kept in the main lodge. No food is kept in cabins.


Campers are encouraged to particpate in a variety of new activities while at camp. There are so many options sure to both please and challenge all beginner and experienced campers. Below is a sample of our campers enjoying activites at previous camps.
*May vary based on location
